
2012-03-04 8:39

Beloved ones we come to reassure you as you now walk apath that for many is barely felt under their feet. The loss of that which youhave defined as YOU now making way for remembrance of all that is YOU. Do youunderstand our analogy and our guidance? We are the Nephilim and we are here toguide and support as you now move in vibration and begin to realise that thechanges that were foretold across your world are now being put in place. 



For those who seek to keep to “same” the upcoming fewdays will see a veil placed over your eyes, for those who are not in theirhearts will struggle to make sense of that which was always to BE. It is notpossible to walk any further with a foot in the 3D world of constraint and afoot on a higher path. Many souls are now making the decision of which path totake. We come to guide for those who have made the decision to walk the pathout of 3D and we guide on the importance of remaining heart centred. That whichwill come to pass on planet earth will allow the veils to be lifted for all whohave eyes to see and ears to hear. We ask for all to go within to find balancewhen all around them may be out of balance.



We wish to guide in detail around “balance” and we guidefor each one of you this may be different. Just as there are many different“types” of human alive on planet earth the reactions will all be different.That which is about to transpire across the world will have many reaching forthe remote to turn off the media, the anxiety rising within them akin to atidal wave. There will be those who can clearly see the bigger picture and whowill have that which they have dreamt confirmed to them and there will be thosewho have heard the call to the new. We guide that to be in balance within theheart will see you move through the new and the unfolding of the newpeacefully. To go into the mind, to seek to make logic out of all that isdisplayed in front of you is to walk in shadow. For the mind does not go anyfurther within the new energies unless by the request of the heart. 



In TRUTH that is the way of the world and what has alwaysbeen hidden in full view but with hearts closed and minds in full spin that hasbeen denied to you. As the veils are lifted and the pieces of your historypieced together that which has been denied and squabbled over will BE. There isno easy way to move into the new in the mind alone and we guide for all thosewho attempt this to go within. The chaos will only be stilled when you reachinside to remember. None of this is new to the SOUL that resides on this planetin the vehicle which is the human body, all is there to remember, however themind of the vehicle that is inhabited in human form has no memories for it is afresh vehicle. The way to update the vehicle is to allow the heart to blossomand the heart to remember. The anchoring of TRUTH is then processed by the mindand all is ONE. 



We are the Nephilim yet many will react our words withscepticism, we guide for you to go into your heart and remember. This is notabout learning, this is a process of remembering, remembering that which yourSOUL knows. There is a huge difference between being told something is real andKNOWING TRUTH. We guide that many will trigger at our words and we guide thatour words are TRUTH, to validate this simply go within for all will be shown tothose who have waited. 

我們是拿飛利人,很多人會以懷疑的眼光看待我們的話語,我們引導你們所有人進入你們的心,並且回憶。這並不是學習新知識的過程,這是回憶的過程,回憶你們靈魂所知道的一切。被" 告知事實" 和從靈魂深處" 知道事實" 是兩個完全不同的概念。很多人會對我們的話語有反應,我們告訴你們,那是因為我們的話語是" 真實" ,想對此話語有反應,你們只需要走入自己的內心。那些踏入自己心中,等待並詢問的人們,在那裡,所有的一切會展示給你們。


The waiting of the human race for the answers uppermostin their Being is reaching completion, why would a race stand back and allowthe waiting when the waiting is the product of the mind? The heart knows TRUTHand this cannot be repeated often enough, the mind will have you wait foreternity, the heart will reveal in a moment. The reactions of many who are nowstruggling will be to deny for denial is justified when it comes to a mind thatdoes not remember, CANNOT remember for that is not the role of the human mind. The mind is to create, to dream, but the dream must be initiated by the heart.For the heart is the centre of your human life experience, if it is not thenyou live out of balance with all of the universe. 



Balance is now what you must find in world that isshifting as you shift, for all is vibration and all is energy. Whilst you aretrapped in the logic of the mind and the topic of duality the focus is shiftedaway from balance. Frustration sees you out of balance, lower emotions such asanger take you out of balance. Strive for balance in the days ahead, this willbe found INSIDE for nothing is outside of YOU that is not YOU. If all feelschaotic then find the peace that resides within for you can find shelter thereas you begin to allow the memories that are the deep part of SELF to remind YOUof who YOU are and why you are here. 



Those who are unable to move to the higher energies inthis lifetime and dimension will continue to move around the wheel of karma.Karma is but a soul lesson. Look to your fellow humans as not only physicalhuman Beings that stand before you but the SOULS that they are inside of thevehicle which is the human body. For that is TRUTH. To dwell on the planetearth and to view the body as the whole is the distortion that you were taughtaeons ago. This will be challenged as you move on the path of remembering forit is not TRUTH.

那些無法在此生進入更高維度的人們會伴隨著業念的車輪繼續旅行。業念不過是靈魂的一門課程。 請不僅將你們周圍的人看作站在你們面前物理人類,還把他們看作寄宿在人類身體內的靈魂。因為這是事實。“寄宿在這顆星球上,並把身體看作一個人的全部”是一個在過去數万年時間中被一直保持的歪曲的觀點。當你們踏入回憶的道路的時候,這陳腐的觀點會被挑戰,因為這不是事實。


We guide strongly for all to anchor that that which isnot TRUTH will dissolve, look beneath what is dissolving to see the distortionthat has been placed on planet earth to keep you contained and suppressed.Allowing this to be shown to you is the key to moving in vibration for if youfall for the smoke and mirrors of the distortion teaching it will lead you backinto mind which will lead you back into chaos. To move out of chaos simply moveinto the heart, for the heart KNOWS TRUTH. 

我們強烈引導你們所有人記住這個事實:所有不是事實的一切都會瓦解,請透過正在瓦解的一切,看清被扭曲的一切。在過去的數万年中,這被放置在這顆星球上的扭曲的事實一直束縛著你們,壓抑著你們。請允許這一切展示在你們眼前,因為看清這些事實是在振動變化的時刻前行的鑰匙,如果你們接受扭曲的事實帶給你們的迷霧和鏡像,你們會重新帶入意識的領域,失去心引導的意識會進一步將你們領回混亂的世界。為了從混亂中走出,請踏入你們的心,因為心" 知道" 事實。


We are the Nephilim and we will step back now to allowyou to process our words. Look not only to the words on the page but how ourwords make you feel, for the FEELings are your triggers to the memories thatare contained within YOUr being. Seek not to rack your mind to remember for thememories are stored within the heart. We are the Nephilim and we will guide asnecessary. Until we communicate with you again we wish you good health andhappiness. 



通靈媒介:Karen Doonan




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